Mequon Asset Protection LawyerA sound marriage is a partnership of equals. That idea is the basis for Wisconsin’s Marital Property Act, enacted in 1986. The law presents benefits and pitfalls. This brochure examines both. Below you’ll find answers to several commonly asked questions about the Marital Property Act.
It’s a complex law, full of exceptions. The intent here is not to present legal advice, but rather to cover a few basics to acquaint you with the law. Individual situations vary. If you have additional questions, feel free to contact our experienced asset protection lawyers. What is Marital Property?Marital property includes all income and possessions a couple acquires after their “determination date” (with certain exceptions). The determination date is the latest of: the couple’s marriage day; the date when they both took up residence in Wisconsin; or Jan. 1, 1986. Two concepts bear special mention:
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